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SALUDA, S.C.—Lisa M. Rodgers and Kristin Fraser Cotte, both founders of their own natural bath, body and personal care products companies, launched Personal Care Truth is a comprehensive, one-stop portal where consumers can find factual data about personal care products—from FDA regulations and legislation to specifics on ingredients and scientific data.

Personal Care Truth includes experts in the fields of personal care and cosmetics to provide insight and answers to consumers’ questions.  The experts include researchers, chemists, writers, formulators, aromatherapists, and business leaders, among others. The knowledge and industry expertise these contributors provide enables Personal Care Truth to deliver reliable information based on scientific fact that can empower consumers to make informed decisions on the personal care products they purchase.

“There is so much information available to consumers, but much of it provides conflicting information or is based on scare tactics and fear mongering,” said Rodgers.  “Through our comprehensive site, we have made it easy for consumers to get answers, dispel rumors and make educated decisions about the personal care products they and their family members use.”

“By providing a site that delivers scientific data in a clearly understandable manner, we are helping consumers better understand what goes into the products they use daily,” added Cotte.  “The response to our site has been nothing short of amazing, further validating the fact that consumers want the truth about what goes into and on their bodies and manufacturers want a place to discuss the science behind the conflicting information.”



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